Sunday, October 15, 2006

ow Silicon Valley Will Reboot Your Doctor

Andy Kessler is a finance guy who’s worked on Wall Street and ran a hedge fund. And like a rich-man’s Michael Lewis, he’s written a couple of books about Wall Street and the money world, and, following down the path that Maggie Mahar’s taken, he’s moving onto health care (presumably before he finds something more interesting like baseball! His book is called The End of Medicine: How Silicon Valley (and Naked Mice) Will Reboot Your Doctor. I'm reading this and not finished yet, but it's essentially another techie's read on how software and hardware can and will revolutionize medicine. Usually these books discuss how the EMR will make doctor's "more efficient" meaning how they can enable them to see EVEN MORE patients for EVEN LESS moneyin an in network insurance scenario!! Consider a proliferating model of pediatric care in which a package of hardware and software enables the pediatrician to make house calls and develop unprecedented relationships with families and children, focusing (really) on preventive care. Pediatricians must leave the insurers system which for the past ten years has DENIED CLAIMS for treating and preventing obesity. The health of our children depends on it!! Take a look at and watch our story as it unfolds!! Natalie Hodge MD "The Pediatrician of the Past and Future...Today"

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