Monday, October 16, 2006

Blue Cross Wants to Make Health Insurance Mandatory!!

BlueCross BlueShield of Minnesota suggested that Minnesotans should be required by law to have health insurance..... Visit for more information I ran across this yesterday. Now this makes me chuckle. What if life insurers wanted to make life insurance mandatory?? Of course an industry who is beginning to lose serious market share because of it's failings in the product it's providing to its consumers wants to make it MANDATORY!? ( Meaning in primary care it provides access to an over run pediatric office staffed by busy nurses, difficulty making an appointment, and finally an hour wait to see a nurse or agisgruntled doctor for five minutes) Health Insurers raised their rates another 13 percent this year. Why wouldn't consumers save their money and spend 4 grand on a high deductible plan and pay their pediatricians directly through an administrative support system as MDVIP (for adults)or Personal Pediatrics for KIDS? Insurers are not inroufallible and consumers will make the choice to have personalized care through Personal Pediatrics affiliate pediatricians as our services become more readoly available. Natalie Hodge MD "PersonalPediatrics...The Pediatrician of the Past and Future...Today. "

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