Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What is 'slow food'? - Wellsphere- Personal Medicine House Call Network

We have all heard about fast food, of course.  So, what IS the slow food movement?  According to the  Slow Food  website, "Slow Food is a non-profit, eco-gastronomic member-supported organization that was founded in 1989 to counteract fast food and fast life, the disappearance of local food traditions and people's dwindling interest in the food they eat, where it comes from, how it tastes, and how our food choices affect the rest of the world...".  

Available to all, in many cities across the U.S., you can catch them in small venues such as parks having fresh pie-baking contests made of only local ingredients (from scratch, of course) or at international conferences in Italy or France -- a wonderful, life-loving crowd wanting to spread the news that you really can eat fresh and wholesome!

For more info: Slow Food USA

Picture by Blue Moon, PhotoXpress

Great resource for health content here at Wellsphere. I liken slow food to small farming communities in which the farmers travel only a short distance to sell food, and thus it stays on the vine longer.

To Your Best Health,

The Personal Medicine Team,
" Your Doctor Comes to You"

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Breastfeeding advice Personal Medicine Affiliate Network

A restaurant manager strides over to a mom discreetly nursing her infant at a table and sniffs, "Please go to the rest room to do that." The head of sales hassles a female subordinate about taking breaks to pump milk in the ladies room. Aunt Gladys expresses shock and disapproval that 14-month-old Sam still nurses.

Think these scenarios are rare? Not according to breastfeeding moms all over the country, who tell us they face similar hurdles practically every day. Many of them simply back off in embarrassment and anger, unsure of how to respond. But not anymore. Babytalk is here to tell you that as a breastfeeding mom you have the legal and moral rights to speak up for yourself. Here's the skinny on when and where you can breastfeed and what you can say to anyone who tries to stop you.

The right to breastfeed wherever you are

If you have a right to be somewhere with your baby, you have a right to breastfeed there.

It's the law. Kerry Madden-Lunsford, a Los Angeles writer, was nursing 3-month-old Norah under a turtleneck and sweater in the children's section of a bookstore when a clerk told her, "You can't do that in here." Then a store manager suggested the rest room. "What was I supposed to do?" Madden-Lunsford says. "Leave my two older children alone? Or gather everyone and head to the toilet to nurse?" She chose to leave the store. "I just kept thinking how unfair it was. You just go through such humiliation."

What Madden-Lunsford didn't know at the time was this: "As a rule, if you have a right to be somewhere with your baby, you have a right to breastfeed," says Elizabeth Baldwin, a Florida attorney and La Leche League leader who is a national expert on breastfeeding and the law. According to Baldwin, the rule holds true whether or not your state has a law that protects a woman's right to breastfeed in public. (Almost half of states, including California, have passed such laws; to learn if yours has, check La Leche League Summary of Breastfeeding Legislation

Baldwin says there are a few places, such as courtrooms, where babies aren't allowed, so obviously, women don't have a right to breastfeed there. But in the vast majority of public places  -- such as stores, restaurants, parks, and malls  -- women are legally allowed to breastfeed. While many moms prefer to nurse in a quiet corner, a turned-around chair, or under a blanket, they need not go to great efforts to hide what they're doing.

If someone asks you to leave a public place where you and your baby have a right to be, Baldwin says that you can take action on the spot, perhaps by asking, "Is it okay to give my baby a bottle?" If the answer is yes, the next logical question is, "Then it should be okay to breastfeed, right?" (One mom was more blunt. When asked to take her nursing child into the rest room, she zinged back: "Would you go to the bathroom to eat your lunch?")

If you feel bold, consider reminding the establishment that the law is on your side. Say, "I have a legal right to breastfeed my baby in public. We'll be done in 15 minutes." If the staff still won't budge, you may want to leave and send them a letter later. Battling it out on the spot may not be worth the upset to you and your child.

Madden-Lunsford, who thinks that those who oppose breastfeeding are usually not malicious, just uninformed, took her battle a step further. She went so far as to file a lawsuit against the bookstore, which was later settled. In an encouraging turn of events, the company educated its employees about breastfeeding and even posted notices in store windows saying that breastfeeding moms were welcome.

Katherine Kam is a freelance journalist in the San Francisco Bay area.

2 3 4 NEXT >

Here is a nice article from Parenting about Breastfeeding rights for Moms and Dads. Let us know what kinds of content you want from your doctor! If you are interested in your Pediatrician making house calls, fill our our survey by clicking the link below! We want to hear from you!!

The Personal Medicine Team
" Your Doctor Comes to You"

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Inside pregnancy: Weeks 1 to 9 | BabyCenter- Personal Medicine House call Network

Here is another one on early pregnancy!!

The Personal Medicine Team
" Your Doctor Comes to You"

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Getting Pregnant to Baby and Beyond! RELATED VIDEOS RIGHT HERE&cbCount=3&cbHtmlID=fiveMinCB_1_cb&cbWidth=300&cbHeight=250&cbHtmlID1=fiveMinCB_1_fb&cbWidth1=300&cbHeight1=122&cbIsFairBalance1=true&cbHtmlID2=fiveMinCB_1_bt&cbWidth2=728&cbHeight2=90" />" allowscriptaccess="always" height="372" wmode="window" width="448" />

Here is great video from for new moms on infant latch for new breastfeeding moms!

The Personal Medicine Team
" Your Doctor Comes to You"

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

IPHONE Platform for Primary Care Boutique Practice

Check out this website I found at

We Love to Hear From Physicians in primary care about your challenges in your current practice. As we refine our marketing and tech solution for cash mobile medical practice we'd love to hear from you! This short survey will help us refine our efforts!

If you know a primary care doc who you think would be successful in this model, feel free to forward this on!!

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Friday, September 25, 2009

Personal Medicine International

Take a look at this video and if you think house call services are a valuable health asset for your family, log on to our site and sign up for our patient newsletter. We want to get some feedback from moms, dad's those caring for the elderly on some refinements to our service offering!! What do you like about house calls? What are your concerns?

To Your Best Health,
The Personal Medicine Team
"Your Doctor Comes to You"

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New Taste Journal- Personal Medicine Network

Here is a great recipe from Chef Dave, Try this one tonight.

The Personal Medicine Team
" Your Doctor Comes to You"

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Antidepressants Linked to Heart Defects in Newborns - Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Women who took more than one SSRI early in their pregnancy had a fourfold higher risk of having babies with this problem, said the authors of a study appearing online Sept. 24 in BMJ.

Still, the authors said the absolute risk is relatively low: 246 women would have to take such medication in order to see one septal heart defect. And 62 mothers would have to take more than one SSRI to see a problem in one child.

"A potential association with malformations must be considered in the choice of treatment of depression during pregnancy," said Dr. Lars Henning Pedersen, lead author and a research assistant in the department of epidemiology at Aarhus University in Denmark. However, "if our data is correct, the absolute risk is low, which must be balanced against the potential substantial risk of under- or untreated depression during pregnancy."

Other experts agree. "Early exposure can slightly increase the risk of heart defects, but the overall risk is still very, very small," added Dr. Jennifer Wu, an obstetrician and gynecologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.

And discontinuing antidepressants also carries risks.

"The concern with pregnant women with depression, if you take them off their medication, they can have a relapse into severe depression and this could lead to self-destructive behaviors," Wu said.

Previous studies have found that pregnant women who stopped taking their antidepressant medications were five times more likely to relapse than women who continued with the medication.

So the bottom line here is that slight increased risk of heart defects must be weighted with the risks of a depressed pregnant mother, which is very serious in itself. Talk with your Personal Medicine Affiliate about the risks and benefits and decide together the best course of action. Your health is a partnership between physician and patient. But here at Personal Medicine we like to refer to patients as... customers.

To Your Best Health,
The Personal Medicine Team
" Your Doctor Comes to You"

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African Leaders Malaria Alliance Launched At U.N. General Assembly

Parents we always want to draw attention to world pediatric health problems and Malaria is the Mack Daddy.

Let us know what other kinds of content is useful to you regarding your families health!! Give us some feedback on our "Health Talk" section and sign up for our enewsletter on for updates on house call affiliates coming to your neighborhood!

To Your Best Health,
The Personal Medicine Team
" Your Doctor Comes to You"

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

New Taste Journal

New Recipe from Chef Dave at New Taste. Try this one at home with your family meal tonight.

To your Health,
The Personal Medicine Team
" Your Doctor Comes to You"

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Food and Recipes Center: Easy, Healthy Recipe Ideas for Your Health Needs and Preferences

Nice Slideshow from Web MD on Healthy Breakfast
The Personal Medicine Team,
"Your Doctor Comes to You"

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AAP - Swine Flu

Parents here is update on Swine Flu for you from the AAP.

To Your Best Health,
The Personal Medicine Team
" Your Doctor Comes to You"

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mayo Clinic Transformation Symposium

Thank You, Dr Rosenman, of the Mayo Clinic Innovation Center, for this video.

The Personal Medicine Team
" Your Doctor Come to You"

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2009 AAP National Conference and Exhibition: Washington, DC

Pediatricians, love to get your feedback on our house call technology platform during upcoming AAP conference in Washington DC October 17th-20. We will be demoing the platform for small groups privately. We want to hear what you like about house calls? What do you like about transitioning to direct medical practice? What are your marketing challenges? How can we best assist you through the transition? What role does the iphone play in implementing paperless practice and an ecommerce solution that moves your practice away from the burden of third party payors and into cash pay from your patients?

To your best health,

The Personal Medicine Team
" Your Doctor Comes to You"

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Screen Time - Turnoff Week - Personal Medicine " Your Doctor Comes to You"

Parents looking forward to Turnoff TV week!! More info here at this AAP link.

To your Best Health and Wellness,

The Personal Medicine Team
" Your Doctor Comes to You"

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Taste Journal- Personal Medicine Network

Parents try this one tonight, If you have a child with a sleep disorder, turkey is your secret bedtime weapon, try it with a glass of milk, the tryptophan really helps with your solid bedtime routine for a good night's rest!

We love to have feedback from you on our house call model, web community, and upcoming iphone release. What are your pressing concerns about your health? What do you like about house calls? Come and meet with our Founders at Health 2.0 in San Francisco in October!! 6 and 7th.

Sign up for our e-newsletter on so we can keep you abreast as we add affiliate physicians in your neighborhood!!

The Personal Medicine Team
"Your Doctor Comes to You"

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Monday, September 21, 2009

New Taste Journal

And this one.

The Personal Medicine Team

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New Taste Journal

Fantastic new recipe from Dave. Try this one tonight.

To your health,

The Personal Medicine Team

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Health 2.0 Comments on Matthew Holt's Blog today

Patients vs. facilities: There’s also a more philosophical bias which harkens back to the difference between American and European health care systems, but not in the way you might think. The dog faction is in general primarily in favor of light-weight tools (and standards) that allow for innovation and service of the consumer patient by primary care teams (that’s the European part). The recent emergence of Web-based tools and patient communities that allow patients to apply self-service techniques and easy communication with teams of providers (yes, yes, that’s Health 2.0) are for them the keys to enabling better care. These tools are relatively cheap (and flexible) and mirror the SaaS trends in the rest of technology. (Think Gmail vs Outlook).

I like Matthew's analogy here, comparing health 2.0 consumer tools to the large hospital system EMR platform ( Gmail to Outlook)

For physicians SAAS tools are flexible, inexpensive and provide the patient PHR connectivity and enable the physician-patient relationships that consumers are looking for.

And the Free/Freemium models emerging as ours come at the right price and the right time.

The Personal Medicine Team

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Interesting Post by John Chillmark of Chillmark Research about PHR today.

Interesting by John Chillmark of Chillmark Research about PHR today.

Are they linked? PHR and EMR?

Why, in fact they are one and the SAME.

John provides a lovely explanation of the intricacies of permissions, and the consumers choice for ability to view labs here, that is really helpful.

Transparency of the fully functional does not merely "reduce wasted staff time"  it ELIMINATES ALL the staff.  ALL OF THEM.

There is no reason to pick up the phone, because you ALWAYS HAVE ALL THE INFORMATION you need, right through our site.

With regard to competition and "fear of losing a customer" in the competitive health marketplace of the future, one must CREATE VALUE for CUSTOMERS.

Oh, and by the way this solution must be FREE for PHYSICIANS, as well as a  valuable and extraordinary service for consumers.

There is a small but vocal group of physicians who are tired of paperwork.  We don't do business with companies who require " paperwork"  That includes Medicare, Medicaid, BCBS, Billing companies, and all the rest.

 We are intensely interested in creating value for customers. And we come to your house, utilizing the highest level of SAAS, ecommerce, and cloud based technologies.

And it has to be all on the iphone by December.

You've already heard about us...

Looking forward to showing you what comes next at Health 2.0.  Remember HIMSS is what already happened, Health 2.0 is about what is going to happen.

The PHR is the missing link in the puzzle that enables the Transformation of the Physician-Patient relationship in the home. And 80% reduction in physician costs. Healthcare Utopia.

"Your Doctor Comes to You"

Natalie Hodge MD FAAP
Co- Founder

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New Taste Journal

New Recipe From Dave at New Taste, who provided incredible healthy lunch at Mayo Clinic last week.

Parents try this at your next PTO bake sale. This is one of the underlying community issues that permeates our school systems, and contributes to your child's diminished lifespan due to obesity.

Natalie Hodge MD
Co Founder Personal Medicine
"Your Doctor Comes to You"

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AAP - Swine Flu

Here is a nice swine flu update for parents from the AAP.

Let us know what other content you'd like to have streaming to your iphone/blackberry or other smartphone relating to your child's health.

The Personal Medicine Team
"Your Doctor Comes to You"

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Personal Medicine International

Here is our take on the Transformation of Healthcare. Innovation transforms Relationships between physicians and patients. Send this out to your network.

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Personal Medicine Affiliate Benefits

Primary Care Physicians, strive for transformation of your practice, don't wait for reform. No Upfront Licensing Fees. Join Now.

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Personal Medicine Business Benefits

Employers may want to take a look at combining a high deductible plan with attentive house call care membership for employees, to stem, and reverse escalating healthcare costs, an retain top employees.

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Second Post on Posterous

Ok, nice for Garry to immediately twitter me back with some help. 

Thanks, Garry.

So with regard to Healthcare Reform, it was refreshing to sit in a room full of healthcare " suits" as we doctor's like to refer to them, at the Mayo Clinic this week and hear Dr Christiansen from Harvard Business School say that the current models in healthcare are as doomed as the IBM mainframe computers of the early 80's.  Also refreshing for him to give an eloquent explanation of the phenomenon of emerging models of care and that they will crop up on their own independant of the current healthcare market.

And that not only is reform extremely time intensive, ( three years at a minimum) the cost savings are only marginal at best. The real solutions in healthcare will com from innovators who create massive cost savings compared to the current products on the market. 

And that innovation TRANSFORMS relationships. 

And that is what we are trying to do at Personal Medicine.

The platform transforms the physician patient relationship, by enabling the physician to come to the house.

Primary Care Physicians come see our demo at Health 2.0 con, and Join Now.

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First Post on Posterous

Ok Here is my first post on posterous, but Guy Kawasaki has never given me dumb advice.

What does everyone think about Physicians making house calls with cloud based iphone platform??

Video From Mayo Clinic Transform Symposium on home page.

Reform Takes too long for physicians.

Transform Healthcare Today.

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