Thursday, November 30, 2006

Personal Pediatrics Aligns with Consumer directed care

This article stresses the importance of IT for Physicians wahting to provide the healthcare of the future.

To help ease the financial and management burdens that will come from consumer-directed health (CDH), physician practices must invest in health care IT first, finds a new report from First Consulting Group. According to the report, EHRs are a must first step for physicians wanting to compete in a CDH environment. However, FCG cautions that not any EHR system will do. The consulting firm says it should be an ambulatory EHR system that has decision-support capabilities, e-prescribing, and the ability to report on performance as a result of documenting care. Physicians will also need to store and exchange information electronically, so they can give consumers the comparative quality and pricing information they want, the report adds.

The Personal Pediatrics administrative support solution for pediatricians takes healthcare IT to a never before seen level. We are the pediatricians of the future who talk to patients directly, contract with patients directly for their care, slash our malpractice risk and costs, dramatically cut wasteful office overhead by an amazingly simple practice method, the house call. Our company supports a seasoned network of pediatricians via a web based paperless platform that recreates the relationships that are lost in pediatric medicine. Get ready for the Pediatrician of the Past and Future...Today. Natalie Hodge MD

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