Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Personal Medicine- Housecall FAQ for Patients

FAQ for Patients



What is a Direct Medical Practice?

There is a growing trend of physicians directly forming financial relationships with patients in primary care for the purposes of providing health services.  While specific services and fees may vary from practice to practice, one thing is the same: these providers offer an option to deliver primary care services directly to their patients through monthly membership fees rather than insurance reimbursements. For more on benefits of direct medical practice for consumers, learn more  http://www.dpcare.org/dpc

How do I join?

It's simple, just search under patient signup on our site, and locate the affiliate in your zip code by city, state or zip.  Once you reach your affiliate's home page, you may research their credentials and practice philosophy.  Apply for membership by clicking " apply now" button on the site, and fill out your demographic and payment information.  You then land on the Patient Health Record section of your chart which is your secure medical record.  Your physician will recieve an automated email notifying him or her of your application, and will call you with final approval and for scheduling of your first visit!

What if you don't have a provider in my zip yet?

We currently have licensed doc's in NY, NJ, MI, KY and TN transitioning into house call practice.  Please contact us through the site with your zip code of interest and opt in to our email marketing list, follow us on Twitter, Linked In and Facebook and we will keep you up to date as we add affiliate members in your neighborhood.

What if I move in the middle of a membership year?

We would love to transfer your membership to another house call affiiate in your new neighborhood, otherwise you will revieve a prorated percentage of your membership fee back.

How is my medical record kept?

Our affiliates chart with a paperless medical record system which will maintain your chart in the latest cloud based secure technologies.

How do you qualify your providers?

Our affiliates apply for licensing of our platform in their specific geographies.  Our credentialing team verifies their DEA, Training, Medical license, board certification.  We also license physicians who have a special interest in providing the attentive kind of care involved in making house calls, as well as those who place a priority on maintaining an efficient, streamlined, paperless, transparent medical practice. 

What if I need a specialist? Your affiliate will provide for most aspects of your care, known as " The Medical Home Model"  He or she is specially trained in taking care of most of your heath care needs.  When you and your affiliate agree specialty care is necessary, specialty followup will be arranged as needed.

What if I need a lab test or an xray? Your affiliate will have a preferred method for testing, either by a local lab or hospital.  Many common tests will be done right in the home!

What if I need to go to the hospital? Your affiliate will maintain relationships in his prefered hospitals.  You will need to go through your regular insurance for in hospital care, the Personal Membership provides house call services only.

I have dedicated money to a Medical Savings Account this year. Can I pay with this money? Absolutely.  You may use your HSA or MSA debit card right through our site. This makes membership an affordable option, given the tax advantages.

Can my employer purchase the Personal Medicine Program as a benefit on my behalf? Absolutely.  We are working with many businesses to help them stem the unsustainable rate of rise of their employee benefit premiums.  Our membership fits well in combination with a high deductible plan.

How many house calls are included for the 1500$ Five visits a year.

I hear a lot of discussions about the Medical Home Model, what does this mean?

To understand why membership-based direct primary care facilities offer better primary solutions, it's important to first understand the difference between primary care and specialist/hospital care:

  • Primary care is the "home base" or "medical home" for your health care. Your primary care provider is responsible for your overall wellness. Any time you have a health concern, your first visit is to your primary care provider, who knows all of your medical history and can help you make the best decision about your health. With most health issues, your primary care provider can diagnose and heal the problems you're experiencing.
  • Specialist and hospital care is for serious, complex illnesses and life-threatening emergencies. If you're severely injured in an accident, for example, an ambulance takes you to the emergency room. Or, if you're diagnosed with cancer, you may need hospital care such as surgery, radiation, or other treatments.








All your questions about Personal Medicine house call program answered here.

To Your Best Health,
The Personal Medicine Team

Posted via web from personalmedicine's posterous

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