Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Consumers Question Value of Electronic Medical Record

Look at this...

Despite all of the studies and articles on the benefits of electronic health care records to health care, most consumers are still not convinced that the technology will improve their medical care, finds a new report by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). According to The Top Seven Health Industry Trends of '07 survey, the reason why there is no public mandate for EHR systems in the U.S. is because of the lack of consumer belief that EHRs actually boost medical care. PwC adds that out of the 1,000 respondents to the survey, 24% say they do not believe that having an EHR will improve the quality of health care and 42% are uncertain. How do we change public perception?

Here's the thing?? Does your doctor's EMR enable him to come to your house and make convenient personalized house calls for your children?? Probably not, unless your pediatrician is using the Personal Pediatrics house call affiliate system. The EMR does help doctors run a little faster on the same treadmill, but the PP system allows you to hop off the treadmill, provide simple convenient care for a yearly retainer and contract directly with your patients who access their record through the PP web portal. Consumers like this. Natalie Hodge MD St. Louis PP affiliate house call pediatrician.

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