Great to hear from you Anne! We want to alert everyone that Paul Offit's Book is out, " Deadly Choices" Also Anne has noted that Paul will be donating all of the proceeds to Autism Research, which is commendable. Let's get this out to our networks, and get this message going viral to all young mommies. Please RT!! To Your Best Health, The Personal Medicine Team
On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 2:22 PM, Anne B. Francis <> wrote:
This is a way to support children and vaccines and help a group which is trying to help us. Buy a book TODAY!
Anne Francis
----- Original Message ----- From: "Alison Singer" <>
To: "elie ward" <>; "Elie Ward" <>; "George Dunkel" <>; "Danielle Laraque" <>; "Bess Rodgers" <>; "Jessica Geslani" <>; "Marybeth Petraco" <>; "Phyllis Silver" <>; <>; "Lorna Friedman" <>; "Andy Racine" <>; <>; "Joseph Domachowske" <>; "Kenneth Bromberg" <>; "Anne Francis" <>; <>; "Debbie (DOH)" <>; "Bob Corwin" <>; "Louis Z Cooper" <>; "Henry Schaeffer" <>; <>
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2011 11:28 AM
Subject: AAP District I Vaccines Project
Dear Friends: AAP District 1 is promoting a mass book buying event on for Dr. Paul Offit's most recent book, Deadly Choices. This event will take place on Monday Feb 21st (tomorrow). See the note from District 1 leadership below. Also, please know that Dr. Offit has generously agreed to donate all royalties from book sales to the Autism Science Foundation, so that we can fund research to learn the true causes of autism. Many thanks. Alison Alison Singer
President, Autism Science Foundation
From: "shadowdaisy03" <<>>
Date: February 20, 2011 8:10:51 AM EST
Subject: [Philippa_Gordon] Vaccines Project
Reply-To:<> Dear Friends and family. . . In an effort to raise awareness for the importance of childhood vaccinations, the Section I chair for the American Academy of Pediatrics (the Section on Administration and Practice Management) is promoting a mass buying event on<> for Dr. Paul Offit's most recent book Deadly Choices. Dr. Offit is the Chief of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. He is a relentless in his advocacy for children's health and childhood vaccination. As a favor to me, and all the children you know and love, please purchase a copy of his book on Monday February 21 on<> If his book is the biggest seller on Amazon on Monday the 21st, this will raise much needed publicity about the importance and safety of vaccines. Even if you don't have the time to read his book, purchase it and donate it to your local library! <> Thank you for helping in this effort!
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