Natalie Hodge MD FAAP
Co-Founder and Medical Director
Health care futurist Natalie Hodge has 10 years of experience practicing pediatric medicine in St. Louis, Mo. She graduated from the University of Kentucky College of Medicine in 1995 and completed Pediatrics training at Washington University's program at St. Louis Children's Hospital in 1998. Dr. Hodge spent three years developing and refining the personalized house call platform creating cloud-based technology, ecommerce, and marketing platform solutions for mobile medical practice. Dr Hodge was a featured speaker at the Mayo Clinic's Transform Symposium in '09 and has been named by Brian Dolan of Mobi Heath News as " The First I Phone Doctor" Dr Hodge feels that disruptive innovation will transform relationships between primary care practitioners and patients and aims to connect primary care doctors in direct patient practice relationships to patients in attentive mobile medical practice. For primary care the art of the house call, is enabled by technology that reduces the overhead of typical modern office practice by 80%. She is the author of The Personal Pediatrics Primer for the Progressive Parent. Dr. Hodge's special interests in pediatrics include nutrition, prevention and consumer facing Internet. Dr. Hodge is a member of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), a Fellow of the Academy of Pediatrics' Quality and Innovation Network, and a member of the Society for Innovative Medical Practice Design.
Luis Maury, Jr.
Mr. Maury brings more than 10 years of global experience in software and product development for healthcare, life sciences, petroleum, music, nuclear, military, government, telecommunications and manufacturing industries. Mr. Maury a successful and most trusted consultant in his field has a proven track record with Fortune 100 and 500 corporations that are dealing with projects from 1.5 - 700 million.
Mr. Maury experience in re-engineering complex business and technology processes has aligned him with one of the United States hardest challenge; Health Care. Mr. Maury research in various industries has prepared him to architect Health Care’s next real movement from private to open, self-measurable, self-controlled health care for Physicians and Patients. Pushing this strategy of working together Mr. Maury sees Health Care taking a personal approach that will allow for patient information to be truly organic as peoples lifestyle change.
Questions about our team and platform? Feedback on our new site? What else would you like to see from your physician of the future? Shoot us an email!!
To Your Best Health,
The Personal Medicine Team
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