natalie hodge
- Doctor, Pediatrician, Physician
- http://personalmedicine.com
Pediatrician, Disruptive Innovator, Entrepeneur, Hacker, Mom, House Call... Learn More
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Wednesday, March 30th 2011
12:31 AM
Paducah Pediatrics - My Favorite Iphone Ap for Healthy Meal Planning
personalmedicineofkentucky.com - Personal Website for Natalie Hodge MD FAAP Board Certified Pediatrician making house calls in 42001 zip
Tags: Children's Health, Pediatrician
natalie hodge
natalie hodge
@nataliehodgeMy Favorite Iphone Ap for Healthy Meal Planning - Does a grocery list web app exist?Natalie added an answer. Feb 18,... http://ow.ly/1bY67X
12:31 AM
Paducah Pediatrics - My Favorite Iphone Ap for Healthy Meal Planning
personalmedicineofkentucky.com - Personal Website for Natalie Hodge MD FAAP Board Certified Pediatrician making house calls in 42001 zip
Tags: Children's Health, Pediatrician
natalie hodge
natalie hodge
@nataliehodgeMy Favorite Iphone Ap for Healthy Meal Planning - Does a grocery list web app exist?Natalie added an answer. Feb 18,... http://ow.ly/1bY67W
Tuesday, March 29th 2011
5:25 PM
Review finds no evidence to support alternative colic therapies - Related Stories - AAP SmartBrief
smartbrief.com - A review in Pediatrics looked at 15 studies on alternative colic treatments, such as massage and herbal remedies, and found that while some indicated benefits for colicky babies, the studies were few an--
Tags: Children's Health, American Academy of Pediatrics
natalie hodge
natalie hodge
@nataliehodgeReview finds no evidence to support alternative colic therapies http://sbne.ws/r/77r3 PLS RT!
5:20 PM
The 7 Worst Supermarket RipOffs that Affect Your Food Budget - Personal Medicine
personalmedicine.posterous.com - The 7 Worst Supermarket RipOffs that Affect Your Food Budget - Personal Medicine
Tags: Diet and Nutrition, Medical
natalie hodge
natalie hodge
@nataliehodgeThe 7 Worst Supermarket RipOffs that Affect Your Food Budget http://post.ly/1otHf
2:13 PM
Fireside Chat on Vomiting and Diarrhea in Children - Personal Medicine
personalmedicine.posterous.com - Fireside Chat on Vomiting and Diarrhea in Children - Personal Medicine
Tags: Diarrhea, Vomiting, Children's Health, Medical
natalie hodge
1:42 PM
Fireside Chat on Vomiting and Diarrhea in Children - Personal Medicine
personalmedicine.posterous.com - Fireside Chat on Vomiting and Diarrhea in Children - Personal Medicine
Tags: Diarrhea, Vomiting, Children's Health, Medical
natalie hodge
3:35 AM
Paducah Pediatrics - Blog
personalmedicineofkentucky.com - Personal Website for Natalie Hodge MD FAAP Board Certified Pediatrician making house calls in 42001 zip
Tags: Children's Health, Pediatrician
natalie hodge
2:14 AM
Natalie Hodge MD's answer to Breastfeeding: Why might women have difficulty breastfeeding during the first week of a baby's life? - Quora
quora.com - Natalie Hodge MD's answer to Breastfeeding: Why might women have difficulty breastfeeding during the first week of a baby's life? - Quora
Tags: Women's Health
natalie hodge
natalie hodge
@nataliehodgeMy answer on Quora to: Breastfeeding: Why might women have difficulty breastfeeding during the... http://qr.ae/Zae8
Monday, March 28th 2011
11:31 PM
HealthyChildren.org - AAP SSO
healthychildren.org - HealthyChildren.org - AAP SSO
Tags: Children's Health, American Academy of Pediatrics
natalie hodge
natalie hodge
@nataliehodgeHealthyChildren.org - Healthy Children http://bit.ly/fLMdmH Great parenting resource here by AAP!
10:53 PM
HealthyChildren.org - AAP SSO
healthychildren.org - HealthyChildren.org - AAP SSO
Tags: Parenting, Relationship, American Academy of Pediatrics
natalie hodge
natalie hodge
@nataliehodgeHealthyChildren.org - Media Time Family Pledge http://bit.ly/fAmihj Parents Please read this today and RT!
9:12 PM
Pediatricians Should Discuss ‘Facebook Depression’ with Kids – TIME Healthland
healthland.time.com - Don--™t be surprised if the next time you head to the pediatrician, somewhere between listening to your child--™s heart and lungs, the doctor slips in a question or two about Facebook.
Tags: Heart, Depression, Lung, Children's Health, Doctor, Pediatrician
natalie hodge
natalie hodge
@nataliehodgePediatricians Should Discuss ‘Facebook Depression’ with Kids – TIME Healthland http://ti.me/e4mU8E EXCELLENT article by Dr Gwen about #FB
6:58 PM
Find a Doctor
personalmedicine.com - Personal Medicine International Electronic Medical Records (EMR), Reinventing the lost art of house call-based pediatric medicine using 21st century technology. A national network of pediatricians who deliver 5-star pediatric care to patients homes.
Tags: Healthcare, Electronic Medical Records, Children's Health, Doctor, Pediatrician, Home, Medical
natalie hodge
natalie hodge
@nataliehodgeKnow a mom in need of a housecall in Overland Park? Please RT! http://bit.ly/h63HJ3
2:36 PM
Find a Doctor
personalmedicine.com - Personal Medicine International Electronic Medical Records (EMR), Reinventing the lost art of house call-based pediatric medicine using 21st century technology. A national network of pediatricians who deliver 5-star pediatric care to patients homes.
Tags: Healthcare, Electronic Medical Records, Children's Health, Doctor, Pediatrician, Home, Medical
natalie hodge
natalie hodge
@nataliehodgeNeed a pediatrician in #overlandpark http://bit.ly/h63HJ3 Dr Nan Makes House calls! PLS RT! #kansas
Friday, March 25th 2011
4:32 AM
Why Speaking Well of Your Spouse Is So Important
michaelhyatt.com - As a leader, the health of your marriage directly affects the impact of your leadership. I have witnessed this time and time again. Being effective at work or in ministry begins by being effective at home. Here--™s why.
Tags: Healthy Living, Relationship, Marriage, Home
natalie hodge
natalie hodge
@nataliehodgeWhy Speaking Well of Your Spouse Is So Important http://bit.ly/eNaT5W Really great advice here!
3:14 AM
U.S. researchers find new clue to infant deaths | Reuters
reuters.com - CHICAGO (Reuters) - Babies who die from sudden infant death syndrome make low amounts of the message-carrying brain chemical serotonin needed to regulate sleep, breathing and heart rate, U.S. researchers
Tags: Brain, Sleep, Disease and Condition, Children's Health, Mortality, Science, SIDS
natalie hodge
natalie hodge
@nataliehodgeU.S. researchers find new clue to infant deaths | Reuters http://reut.rs/gwQNUd Wow is seratonin a clue in sids deaths?
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