Thursday, September 02, 2010

Ten Principles for Fostering Development of an “iPhone-like” Platform for Healthcare Information Technology - a knol by Kenneth Mandl

Check out this website I found at

Here is a nice set of Principles from Children's Hospital Boston on development of Principles for Mobile Health Platform Development. Once important factor I would see to be helpful with integration of our Mobile EMR/PHR platform is integration of user generated health tools such as into care. Physicians could then have a direct feedback loop with patients to help integrate self management tools into their care and wellness plan. We use a variety of self management tools in practice, but to integrate the data would be a great step. Now make all that Hippa compliant and secure, you've really got something. The problem with using ICD9 codes in traditional emr's in healthcare data mashups, as I learned from EPatient Dave this spring, is that icd9 that physicians use in practice is so far away from what the patient's real diagnosis is. Icd9 is more about what payors will pay for than it is about the patient's real diagnosis.

To Your Best Health,

The Personal Medicine Team

Posted via email from Personal Medicine

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