Monday, November 16, 2009

Cloud based data security: Breach Notification – and how it applies to you

At the server end, Practice Fusion takes great pains to ensure data security and protection against intrusion, beyond the basics of 128-bit https encryption, firewalls, and 3-key access control (with enforcement of high-level password complexity). There has even been engagement of private security consultants to carry out security audits of how the data is protected, and of how PHI access is protected both internally and externally. The result is such that the “safe harbor” protection against Breach Notification can be extended to Practice Fusion users – use of this particular system will result in a much higher level of security than one is likely to achieve with any locally-installed system.

What are the measures we take to keep patient data safe in our cloud hosted environment?

To Your Best Health,

The Personal Medicine Team

Posted via web from personalmedicine's posterous

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