Friday, October 16, 2009

Facebook- Personal Medicine

Check out this website I found at

Great to chat with E-Patient Dave consumer heath advocate and health blogger about the physician perspective on providing transparent PHR access to their house call clients through our website. We physicians are getting over our emotional attachments to the old paper record. We are a work in progress. Our affiliates understand that transparency of the medical record is important for consumers and we also know that embracing transparency is an important part of the innovative process in creating practices for the new millenium.

Here is one clinical scenario that comes up often in Pediatrics that illustrates the importance of permissions in the PHR, in which it is critical for the life of a patient for the physician to have control of what the patient and family can see. In Munchausen's by Proxy, a condition in which a (mentally disturbed) parent harms one of their children physically ( sometimes by subtley poisoning them, sometimes by putting feces into a central line) a physician will want to follow this case, document their suspicions, and then prove through a hospital admission ( video) the documented abuse. These cases are slippery, and can be quite difficult. It is essential in this scenario that the family, prior to the hospital admission and "proof" that will be revealed later in court, not see the suspicions of the clinician. So this is one simple example where the physician needs to have some control over viewing of the record.

It is our belief here at Personal Medicine that transparency is a massive part of the value that consumers are looking for and the PHR closes the loop on our paperless system that enables physicians to practice in apaperless environment of house call service line.

To Your Best Health,

Dr Hodge and the Personal Medicine Team

Posted via web from personalmedicine's posterous

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