Monday, October 09, 2006

Sandeep Shah and Skyscape Enables Personal Pediatrics

You might ask how the pediatrician of the future is going to access data and stay up to date on patient info, labs and cutting edge diagnostic tools? Well we are enabled by many new wireless solutions crafted by companies like Skyscape. Why should any parents child's medical record be tied to an office that's remote, difficult( sometimes near impossible) to access, and not nearly secure as new paperless systems that companies as Microsoft and Skyscape enable?? Why should any child have to leave the house when he is ill with a fever?? Why should any busy mother have to waste her entire day trying to secure an appointment by outdated and time consuming means?? Why should the siblings of the ill child have their schedules interrupted and be subjected to the multiple infections rampant in the outdated and overrun pediatrics office?? Why should you allow anyone but a well qualified, experienced, board certified, committed top level pediatrician care for your children?? Why do consumers stand to have nurses call you back at night when you're worried about your child's fever/injury/emergencies?? I'll tell you why, because Blue Cross Blue Shield's full coverage plan ( notably 12% rise from last year, 13,500/yr) will pay for this level of service! In 2007 in pediatrics full coverage gets you an hour wait with outdated systems and a brief visit with a nurse practicioner. For more on the Personal Pediatrics system of administrative support and how it fits into our emerging consumer directed care model, take a look at Watch as our story unfolds. Personal Pediatrics... The Pediatrician of the Past and Future...Today. Natalie Hodge MD Saint Louis Missouri

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